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2008年-09月-28日 来源:尊龙凯时国际集团

―――菲律宾烧伤协会主席Dr. Glenn 在第十届全国烧伤创疡再生医学会议上的发言

Good morning,

It is truly an honor for me to be here in Ya’an amidst experts (in regenerative medicine), for the 10th Chinese Congress of Burns, Wounds, and Ulcers Regenerative Medicine.

I came from the Philippines in search of new and improved techniques in burns management and what I found in your beautiful country is much more.

These past 6 days have been some of the happiest and most fulfilled days of my life. With the help of your experts, as I visited three of the best burn centers, I have witnessed three of the amazing and inspiring results of Chinese Regenerative Medicine, notably the Moist Exposed Burn Treatment practiced with even the most severe of burn patients.

I am very excited to apply the knowledge I have gained here in Sichuan Province of China to my work in the PGH.

And through the help of Prof. Chen, I intended to maintain my ties with your experts here in China, as I begin my work with Moist Exposed Burn Treatment in the Philippines.

But not only did I learn more about Chinese Regenerative Medicine in Sichuan, I have also learned so much about China, of how beautiful your country is. I have learned much about the beauty of your people (the beautiful women and handsome gentlemen who have been so warm in welcoming me and my associate. I have also learned about China’s beautiful wine, and its very delicious food. I have seen part of your rich history and your awesome natural landscape.
I have actually seen and learned about your amazing panda.

Truly, a wondrous learning experience for me.

A great Chinese scholar once said that one must first empty his cup, in order to learn more.

I cane with an empty cup, and I go home to the Philippines today (filled to the surface even over flourish) with new knowledge.
And so with a warm heart, I say ‘xie xie’ and “mabuhay” thank you very much for this honor.

Dr.Glenn Genuino


    然而,我在四川的收获不仅是中国的再生医学,同时对中国之美也有了更深的了解。我感受到了中国人民之美(那美丽的姑娘和英俊的小伙们对    我和我的助手的热情招待),品尝了中国美酒佳肴,领略到了贵国悠久的历史,深厚的文化底蕴及叹为观止的秀美风光。
    至此,我要衷心地道一声“谢谢”, “mabuhay” (菲律宾语“谢谢”),十分感谢。

格兰. 甄尼尔 博士